
Gabriela Torcatoru

BUA FIT Partner

Happy Monday! This is for all the guys out there who would like to try yoga, at least once, I am offering a free community class this Saturday from 10:30 am, online - All Men Yoga - you know how to book ;) I would love to bust some myths about men doing yoga :D



Honoring the energy of the Sun this week in all evening outdoor yoga classes in Cambridge. Sunset Yoga all week in different locations. Come along and join us as we thank and say goodbye to summer 😊

Honoring the energy of the Sun this week in all evening outdoor yoga classes in Cambridge. Sunset Yoga all week in different locations. Come along and join us as we thank and say goodbye to summer 😊

Contrary to popular beliefs yoga isn't meant to be pretty, but intangible. Be real ✌️ and be honest. What you are working towards is for no one else but you to see. Happy weekend everyone! ☀ Enjoy that beautiful sunshine

Contrary to popular beliefs yoga isn't meant to be pretty, but intangible. Be real ✌️ and be honest. What you are working towards is for no one else but you to see. Happy weekend everyone! ☀ Enjoy that beautiful sunshine

BUA FIT Partner

Gabriela Torcatoru

I started my yoga journey in 2016 and since then it has become my life. I gained my 500h YTT in India 2019 and I brought back India with me ...




I am a geek for alignment and anatomy, and an adept of living in the present moment, both of which you can expect in my classes. We have been gifted these amazing bodies and one pretty incredible life...

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Happy Monday! This is for all the guys out there who would like to try yoga, at least once, I am offering a free community class this Saturday from 10:30 am, online - All Men Yoga - you know how to book ;) I would love to bust some myths about men doing yoga :D



Honoring the energy of the Sun this week in all evening outdoor yoga classes in Cambridge. Sunset Yoga all week in different locations. Come along and join us as we thank and say goodbye to summer 😊

Honoring the energy of the Sun this week in all evening outdoor yoga classes in Cambridge. Sunset Yoga all week in different locations. Come along and join us as we thank and say goodbye to summer 😊

Contrary to popular beliefs yoga isn't meant to be pretty, but intangible. Be real ✌️ and be honest. What you are working towards is for no one else but you to see. Happy weekend everyone! ☀ Enjoy that beautiful sunshine

Contrary to popular beliefs yoga isn't meant to be pretty, but intangible. Be real ✌️ and be honest. What you are working towards is for no one else but you to see. Happy weekend everyone! ☀ Enjoy that beautiful sunshine