Online ClassEvery Tuesday

New Moon Yin Yang Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation Workshop


Online Class

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90 minutes

Class Details

What you will be doing

We're inviting you to join us on Tuesday 25th October at 6:30pm for a graceful and nourishing Yin Yang Yoga and Breathwork Meditation practice lead by the incredible Amy Mercado of The Mercado Method to welcome in the New Moon in Scorpio. Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you. It’s time to reach deep down into the depths of your soul. It might not be easy, but any soul-searching done now can lead to insights that will help set you on a path more closely aligned with your higher purpose than ever before. Given that the new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, the energy of this day is commonly used to start new projects, begin new habits and give our rituals a boost. It’s almost as if the universe opens a little window between our world and the world of the unseen, just for a bit, so it can hear our heart’s desires a little more clearly.


Yin Yang Yoga 💙 We will begin with a gentle Yin Yoga to release old emotions. This practice will allow space for any stuck energy to be shifted and released, allowing new space for a happier state of mind and overall wellness of our bodies. We will then move through a Yang Yoga to open our hearts and evoke new levels of transformation.

Breathwork 💚 In Hindu and yogic tradition, we have an energy system where prana (breath)— our vital force — flows to all parts of our body. Amy will guide you through a breathwork practice to help you connect with your authentic self.

Guided Meditation 💙 Amy will guide us through a guided meditation to release limiting beliefs, fears and doubts. We will be connecting to our hearts, connecting to our inner warrior and call in what we wish to create in our worlds.

Journalling & Affirmations 💜 We will finish with some journalling prompts & affirmations. Amy's journal prompts will help you uncover your emotions and connect to your inner wisdom. We will set intentions and affirmations to help bring our visions to life.

Magic Ritual 🧡 Finally we will finish with a magic ritual to welcome in more balance & peace within us. You may wish to light a candle and bring some of your favourite crystals along to enhance your practice. If possible please bring a RED candle

Recorded Session 💙 Unable to attend the LIVE session? Email info@themercadomethod.co.uk for the replay which will be available for 72 hours for catch up

Refunds are available for all cancellations done at least 12 hours before the start-time

All BUA classes with no client bookings get removed from the platform 48 hours before the start-time.