Every Tuesday

Ladies With Babies : CORE


Included in a BUA Unlimited subscription - find out more

Crystal Palace Park Road, London

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Crystal Palace Park Road, London

Every Tuesday at 9:30

Class Details

What you will be doing

Designed to get you back into battle mode post-pregnancy. Your body is an absolute powerhouse, so let’s celebrate its brilliance in a class designed to boost your cardio, improve your flexibility, and build your core strength, which is the keystone to your mobility and back health. This is 60 minutes dedicated to you - for your health, your self-esteem, heart, and mind. A great virtual and safe way to be part of a community of mamas. BABIES WELCOME! Leave feeling energised and ready to conquer the rest of the week. You trainer is highly experienced in pre and post-natal fitness; she understands how your body moves, its boundaries, and its needs during these times. Jump in and let's re-start your fitness journey together. ***


What to expect: A warm-up with dynamic stretches followed by bodyweight exercises that craft your week-on-week definition. The cool down incorporates relaxation methods to de-stress.


Meet at the pin drop on the lower terraces (overlooking the Bowl)

Crystal Palace Park Road, London

Sarah Aarons

South London based outdoor group fitness fanatic! Offering Rebounding, Barre, VIIT, Core, Bodyweight Circuits...