Keep that tank topped up!
1 credit = 1 class
Fitness Partner Credit Packs
Prices Vary
- Perfect for outdoor and online classes
- Search their name in the search feature
- Hit their profile page
- Click credit packs under their profile picture
- Flexibility and mixing it up helps you get the best results
- Save money and train with your favourite partner exclusively
Search for partner
Credits expire depending on the partner
BUA Boomers
4 Classes
- Try us out and get a deal
- These credits work outdoor and/or online
- You can use for any trainer or Bua class
- Let’s get those endorphins rushing
- Save up to £8.00
Credits expire after 28 days
The Outdoor Pack
8 Classes
- Perfect for any outdoor classes across London
- Be part of the community
- You can use for any trainer or any BUA class
- You love to exercise in nature and cool locations
- Take your pick and get ready to mix
- Save up to £19
Credits expire after 28 days
15 Class Blast
15 Classes
- 10 online classes and 5 outdoor to get you going again.
- You can use for any trainer or any BUA class
- Ideal for training in the comforts of your own home
- You like flexibility
- Save up to £34
Credits expire after 45 days
The Victory Pack
23 Classes
- Perfect for outdoor and online classes
- You know what you like
- Training hard and want to save money
- You can use for any trainer or any BUA class
- Flexibility and mixing it up helps you get the best results
- Save up to £64
Credits expire after 45 days